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Book Reviews & Testimonials

"It is very rare that someone can distill a complex enterprise down to the universal principles that apply across all cultures and all people. Leadership is one of those complex undertakings because it includes the contours and context of the unpredictable nature of people and the human mind.

Lieutenant Colonel Oakland “Oak” McCulloch has achieved this high standard in his book “Your Leadership Legacy: Becoming the Leader You Were Meant to Be”.

I can say this because I believe I have a unique perspective, based on my experiences. I was raised in an African tribal culture, and then moved to America with the opportunity to see life and leadership through the lens of multiple cultures. I have also lead in the military from the lowest level to the very pinnacle of combat command as a General Officer.

These experiences allow me to say with confidence that I can easily teach the principles that Oak outlines in his book to any group, culture, and organization on the planet. They are profound, simple, universal, and easy to communicate to any person who has lived and worked with other people.

You deserve to take your leadership to the next level by internalizing the points that Oak makes in his book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did."

Lt Gen Steve Kwast
United States Air Force, Retired

Oak McCulloch has lived what he speaks. This comprehensive study of leadership provides practical lessons and advice on how to become a servant leader, while pursuing personal and professional growth. A must read for those beginning their leadership journey and a great reminder for those currently in leadership positions. Great work Oak! God Bless and Semper Fi.

"As a head women’s basketball coach for 26 years, I have come across many leadership strategies, but Oakland McCulloch's leadership lessons are the best I’ve ever learned and ultimately implemented. I was so impressed that I asked him to teach his lessons to my team. He has made all of us better equipped to lead, especially through these current challenging times. Oakland’s leadership strategies are timeless and will help you become the leader you are meant to be."

"I have been here at Stetson University for the past nine years, rebuilding its football program from scratch after a 56-year hiatus. I have known Lt. Col. Oakland McCulloch for most of those years. During that time, Oak has given his lecture on leadership and what it takes to become a great leader numerous times to my team. Each time our players and coaches have incorporated and implemented the very points Oak stresses during these lectures and the results have been remarkable - we had the second-best turnaround nationally in FCS Football in 2018 (we went from 2-9 to 8-2 in one year). Additionally, working with Oak has helped totally change our team’s culture from one of selfishness and blaming to one of accountability and selflessness.

When I heard Oak was writing a book incorporating these leadership principles, I was both thrilled and concerned: I was thrilled to hear that leaders, or aspiring leaders, of other organizations would have the benefit of Oak’s expertise, leading to the enhancement of their leadership skills. As a net result, their organizations will benefit and improve. I was concerned because some of those organizations may be other football teams we play, making it more difficult to beat them.

If you are a leader, or want to become the leader, of an organization, I highly recommend you read this book. I further recommend you have your senior leadership team read it as well. His principles have stood the test of time and have successfully worked across various organizations from a tank battalion to a food back. They will work for your organization too. My hope is that those who read this book will become the leaders they want to be, and exactly the leader that helps their organization thrive."

"This book is laid out in a very readable format, accessible to all who desire to increase their leadership potential. As the author discusses the concepts in each chapter, he provides helpful personal examples from his own professional journey which drive his points home. I particularly liked that this book provides bullet point summaries at the end of each chapter along with a place for notes. Though I am retired, I felt like I should get my highlighter out since it's never too late to become a leader. Seems like a 'must read' for any high school or even college curriculum. My daughter is actually planning to take it to her high school to have them review it for that purpose."

"Had the pleasure of meeting @LtcOakland this week and just finished his book. EXCELLENT leadership primer for new leaders, and a great refresher for those with some time under their belts. Perfect gift for graduates, newly commissioned officers, and NCOs. Great work, Oak!"

Our time calls us, urges us, obliges us to aspire for success in leadership. For children and parents, students and teachers, young and old, retired Lieutenant Colonel Oakland McCulloch presents in his talk and book key factors to achieving success and raising the quality of leadership in any organization. He simply leaves an indelible print that equips the mind and the heart with a foundational confidence and competence shared by great leaders. Check him out.

“A man of character, integrity, and energy, retired Lieutenant Colonel Oakland McCulloch, draws upon his 23 years of experience as an Officer in the United States Army to provide practical and very relevant examples of leadership in his presentation that will leave you inspired, motivated, and ready to lead or take your leadership role to the next level”.

"As we continue to try to connect and engage our prospective students with our campus and community, leadership initiatives are always top of mind for our students and offer many key takeaways for them to learn as young adults. Lt. Col (Retired) McCulloch has graciously hosted a very popular Academic Showcase mock class based around leadership and growing as a leader over the last 3 years for our prospective students to experience during their time on Stetson’s campus for one of our Open Houses. This class has resonated with many different students no matter what their area of academic interest and provides an in-depth experience and engaging way to look at leadership and how to grow as a leader. Knowing that our prospective students love this class so much, I am looking forward to reading his book!"

"I have witnessed Oak McCulloch’s theory and practice of leadership transform, inspire and instill in young adults the confidence and the capacity to lead in real time. Armed with the wisdom of experience, like Oak himself, his teaching is tough minded, clear eyed and approachable. Achieving historic levels of ROTC cadet enrollments at our institution was not the only proof of Oak’s mastery of the subject and ability to connect and support the young men and women he taught and led. When we asked him to teach sample classes and summer leadership camps for High School and college age students, surveys of attendees were invariably among the most well received and indicated demonstrated impact on their understanding of themselves and of leadership principles. Making his teachings available in this new book will advance the cause and allow for optimism in the leadership abilities of the next generation."

"This book is one of the best books I've read on leadership principles. It reminded me of a number of leadership points and strategies from my own education, training and experience while providing some new tips. I certainly would recommend this book for required reading in a 300 or 400 level college management class. I really enjoyed the discussion of a variety of leadership principles then providing examples of its practical application. LTC McCulloch hit the homerun with this book. Well done Sir."

"Unique, Methodical Perspective on Leadership. LTC McCulloch is a BORN leader, and it’s no surprise that he wrote this book. That being said, this is an excellent, easy read for established leaders and aspiring leaders, alike. LTC McCulloch lays out 10 compartmentalized chapters about leadership for his audience to read and reflect upon. Each chapter is complete with a ‘key takeaways and reflections’ section and even a ‘Notes’ page for the reader to write in at the end before the next chapter begins. You will find this piece chock full of excellent motivational and leadership quotes, LTC McCulloch’s unique humor, and real-world examples from both his military and civilian life. This purchase is well worth the investment in your future as a leader, and in the future of the people you intend to lead!"

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